A warm welcome to Qrib. Please remove your shoes

No matter how warm an introduction may be, there’s always a cold, inner-feeling that one is interacting with a machine, like reading a road sign that addresses ‘no one’ in particular

However, we are sincere, organic earth travelers addressing ‘you’ with a mission to imbue the machine with some soul

There are no standard rules here; whether you came here by mouse click (commercial vehicle) or scanning a Stiqr (private conveyance), you are most welcome to Qrib

Among other things, Qrib ‘is’ the home of ‘StiQR technology’, taking you on 5D journeys beyond, into locations you could never have imagined traveling to. To date this is the ‘only’ online community that uses 2d technology to port from place to place, elevating the Qrib experience into a hybrid on/offline adventure. But you’ll know this already if you arrived here by private conveyance (scanning a StiQR from within the sensory world)

When we mention 5D, please understand that we are not demoting the meta-astral-physical nascence and beauty of the organic world–this supersedes all. We reference an extra-sensory experience that expands the mind (and soul) into a higher etheric psyche where anything can happen, beyond fictitious regulations

By having this asymmetric experience, adverse to what is presented as ‘their’ new world, you will see that prising the mind open is preparation for a world of ‘true’ inveterate magic. Without such opening, every experience is mere science/logic. Only by ‘seeking’ abstract possibilities, can one’s cerebrum remarry the mediastinum (solar plexus), which is the mother of all life in all forms–your centre. The lack thereof is much the reason why the world is in its current devolved spirit shape

Unfortunately nobody can be told what this is, you have to see it for yourself. So if you’re ready to jump…scroll up again and scan the STiQR that you missed above or you may continue down👇🏽, if you know what service you require



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