
Kemet’s Tree


By clicking on the image below you may purchase the eBook Kemet’s Tree by Angel Lewis.

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This is the book that was penned to replace Marus’ explicit revelation in the book Maromata.

This book was written to facilitate remembrance of the self in order to succeed, in accordance with the time that cometh.



In the story Moromata, Marus, the Mertian was forbidden to publish his prophesy.

Although his vision would have prepared the community for what was to come, it was later revealed to him that the horror would certainly unfold ‘if’ his vision was placed in the minds of an egotistical people, ignorant of God. It wouldn’t be too long before one of them would see a personal benefit in initiating the event.

The wise decision not to describe the manner in which the chaos would arrive was understood by the Angel and this sent the seers on an alternate path.

They thought it comestible to teach instead the organic weigh of the earth and how it could be nurtured to avoid the eventuality.

In the past, the ancient wisdom was relayed to a people that hadn’t first learned symbiosis, oneness, empathy and the benefits of restraint. They weren’t even aware that their essence was of spirit and not matter. This absence of understanding led them to seek material gain from the knowledge over spectral relationships. This caused them to act in weighs foreign to the earth’s flow and thus created almost irreversible options, sending the planet spiraling down towards a certain destruction. They soon regressed to the animal state of mind, just as Amar had predicted. This is illustrated by the wise prophet’s statement about placing Jewels upon swine.

It is not that the people are to be seen as swine, it is the fact that lower based minds know not what to do with such precious information and would surely abuse it.

To remedy this ignorance, it would require knowledge of what had been done and what would come to pass but not one amongst the ignorant could use this knowledge for good in their untamed minds. While restraining from sharing the mysteries of the cosmotomic relationships between vibratory beings created (within them) a desperate search to control this information for profit.

Their misunderstanding of the word ‘in’ formation left them seeking forms (outside within matter) as wanderers from place to place, they knew not that ‘all things’ are only known from within. God’s face is revealed only to the humble student that goes deep within the self. The more the ignorant avoided going within, the further the knowledge pushed them out into the limits of their egos.

And so they were cast from the heavenly realm of ‘intuition’ with their students of academia, who reflected their outer material goals as a primary goal.

As it goes, those that could see nothing in the books of wisdom, hid and burned them so that the sighted would not gain a benefit over them and their students. As such the books were written in the language of heaven, which reveals only to those that have pure intentions–rightly so.


… Continued to read Moromata.